
New Rectory

Thursday, March 9th, the Board of Consultors for the Archdiocese approved our plans for building a new rectory. This new rectory will preserve the facade and the sides of the Crandell-Rothstein house, the house just to the south of the Church with the two porches. This property was acquired by the parish in 2004. Monsignor Hughes orginally had the idea of making it the parish hall. This has been a long process. The expense of preserving the historic appearance of the house has created difficulties in raising enough funds to pay for construction. But, thankfully, we have reached a point where we are able to build the rectory while having a reserve for the operation of the parish and the school. There are some resources online you can refer to about the house. Here is an historic survey of the house. Here is an article about the house in the Prince George’s Gazette from 2001. Here is an article from the same paper about the two entities hoping the acquire the house in 2003. We know who got it!

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