
Mass in Sweden in 1450

If you were Swedish in 1450 you, and everyone else, would have been Catholic. Here is a youtube video of a reenactment of the Mass you would have attended in your parish church. Their is an introduction is Swedish that lasts about 3:48. You can fast foward through it if you do not understand Swedish. The rest of the video is, of course, in Latin (except for the Kyrie in Greek!). A couple of notes. First, I saw a commentary that made the point that the congregation may have been more “active” in singing, especially the propers (Kyrie, Gloria, Creed, Sanctus, Agnus Dei) since they are the same as had been sung in that Church for hundreds of years. Second, we can think that more than two people would have come forward for Holy Communion. Perhaps time constraints of the video limited the number to just a token.

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