
Coronavirus Update 5-19-20

Dear Parishioners,

Again, cases are up but hospitalizations are down. We can hope to reopen on June 1st.

Thursday begins the nine days leading up to Pentecost. This is the nine days between our Lord’s Ascension into Heaven and the sending of the Holy Spirit. As the Acts of the Apostles tell us the Apostles were in the Upper Room in prayer with the Mother of Jesus during this time. Although we will not be able to celebrate Mass together on Pentecost, we can all pray the novena. Here is a novema to the Holy Spirit: You can do a web search and find others. Please join in prayer everyday for the gift of the Holy Spirit to be poured down on the world.

We will have a zoom meeting tomorrow for the Deans to go over the procedure for re-opening our Churches. There is a lot to discuss. I hope to have more to report on Thursday.

God bless, Fr. LaHood

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