
Coronavirus Update 4-8-20

Dear Parishoners,

Today is Spy Wednesday, so called because, after taking the thirty pieces of silver, Judas looks for an opportunity to hand him over. We also read about that portion of the Last Supper where Judas is revealed as the betrayer. Why did Jesus continue with him mission after he knew his betrayer? Usually, when you are betrayed you change your plans or seak escape. But, all of this was his mission and necessary for his mission. Jesus uses evil against itself. Death destroys itself by crucifying Our Lord. The omnipotent power of God is brought to bear against the consequences of sin. This is the great mystery of Jesus’ Passion, Death, and Resurrection; this is the love of God revealed to us: that God brings his own divinity to our rescue. This is all that can save us.

I will send out an e-mail later to confirm what will be happening for the Sacred Triduum. I still can’t wrap my head around all of this. We know the day will come when we are back to “normal” and all of this will be a memory. But, while we are in it we are with Jesus and He is with us.

Have a Blessed Holy Week. Fr. LaHood

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