
Coronavirus Update 4-20-2-0

Dear Parishioners

The number of virus cases in Maryland keeps going up. If they would start to come down we could at least begin the 14 day countdown until we could enter phase 1 of opening up. We just have to keep praying and keeping our social distance.

The outdoor adoration went very well yesterday. I would like to do this every Sunday. Of course, weather permitting. I may make two separate one hour periods rather than one two hour period. That may help with traffic and parking.

Today’s Gospel gives us John chapter 3. Nicodemus wonders how one can be born again. Jesus is trying to explain to him that, with the incarnation of the Son of God as man, there is a whole new, eternal and divine, source of life for us. The Spirit of Jesus, which is the Holy Spirit alive in Jesus, which now, by the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus is given to us through the sacraments. Jesus speaks particularly of the sacrament of Holy Baptism where this new source of life is given to us through water and Spirit. We still think about and pray for the Elect and Candidates who still await the Easter Sacraments. Please remember them in your prayers.

God bless you all, Fr. LaHood

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