
Coronavirus Update 4-11-20

Dear Parishioners,

This is a bittersweet day. It is still Holy Saturday. I will still celebrate the Easter Vigil. But, without all of you and without baptizing and confirming our Elect and Candidates. They have been working hard during this year preparing for this Holy Night. Our Lord had other plans. Please pray for our Elect and Candidates who are so disappointed in having their reception into the Church delayed. We can hope and pray that we can come together by Pentecost to initiate the new members of the Church.

Listening to the media is so frustrating. When you don’t know anything people with say anything. You hear everything from we’ll be back to normal in a few weeks to this will drag on for years. The truth is somewhere in there, but where? While the number of cases is still going up in Maryland, the number of hospitalizations seems to be leveling off, although it spiked a little today. Keep up the social distancing. Keep praying. This is great time to learn patience and forbearance.

There is a reading from the Office of Readings for today from an ancient homily. You can read it here.

God bless you. Have a holy Holy Saturday. Fr. LaHood

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