
Coronavirus Update 3-31-20

Dear Parishioners,

As you know the Governor issued a stay at home order for the entire State. Because of this the Archdiocese has issued the following guidelines:

1.      Parishioners should be advised to abide by the Governor’s directive to stay at home unless they are engaged in one of the “essential activities” set forth in the Governor’s order. Parish offices and schools should only be accessible to essential staff and not generally open to the public.

2.      Only staff who are “essential” should be working onsite (i.e., those staff who are necessary to safeguard the property, perform essential administrative or financial functions, or provide other essential functions to keep the parish in operation). Remote or tele-working should be encouraged whenever possible even for “essential” staff.

3.      Churches may remain open for private prayer at the discretion of the pastor provided that actions are taken to:

    a.      monitor and take adequate precautions to ensure that no more than 10 people gather inside the church at any given time;

    b.      post a reminder for visitors to abide by the government’s social distancing guidelines and other health precautions while visiting the church; and

    c.      maintain appropriate safety and sanitary measures at the parish (making hand sanitizer available, regularly cleaning and sanitizing door handles, common areas, public bathrooms, etc.)

4.      Pastors should continue to discontinue/postpone planned events or services (whether indoor or outdoor) that may involve more than 10 people gathered at the parish at any one time. Any events, such as Confession, adoration, drive-thru/drive-up services, etc. must take appropriate steps to ensure that the parish is in compliance with the stated limitations (e.g., having a clergy, usher or staff person monitor attendance; use a reservation system or online sign-up sheets as a way to stay within the gathering limitation).

Because of these guidelines, we wil NOT be able to hold the outdoor Masses I had hoped to do this Sunday. Entering into Holy Week, this is very hard to take. This is the most solemn time of the Church’s liturgical year. We look forward to it. It is so much at the center of our faith lives. But, this year, we have to live it in a way would could have never imagined.

The good news is that Archbishop Gregory will live stream all the Triduum liturgies. Here is the schedule:

Holy Week and Easter Liturgy Schedule

Archbishop Gregory will be celebrating the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter at The Cathedral of Saint Matthew. These celebrations will be available via live-stream on the Archdiocese of Washington YouTube channel. See a schedule of services below and a link to the YouTube channel.

Palm Sunday: 10:00 am

Holy Thursday: 5:30 pm

Good Friday: 1:00 pm

Easter Vigil: 8:00 pm

Easter Sunday: 10:00 am

Here is the link to the Archdiocese of Washington YouTube channel:

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