The ministry of Hospitality was established to maintain a care and share attitude with our parishioners and guests. Light refreshments are served.
When: Hospitality occurs on the first Sunday of the month (including the Saturday vigil mass), during the months of September – May. It takes place after all four masses Saturday at 5:30 P.M., Sunday 7:30 A.M., 9:30 A.M., & 11:30 A.M.
Who Brings the Refreshments? Hospitality is funded by a small budget each Fiscal year allotted by the church and whatever donations the parishioners can give. Parishioners interested in bringing refreshments, should drop them off 15 minutes prior to the mass you will be attending. Items to bring include: cookies, brownies, fruit, yogurt, cheese and crackers, donuts, granola bars, etc. We are always in need of large bottles of ginger ale.
How do I volunteer? We can always use more help!! You can volunteer by bringing food/drink to a specific mass each month or you can volunteer to be a greeter/worker after a specific mass each month. Workers are there to greet parishioners, refill food and drink, and tidy up for the next mass. If you would like to volunteer to help at a Mass or be placed on a food donation list, please contact our Coordinator for Hospitality, Mrs. Chantal Engler at either [email protected] or call 301-627-3255 or submit the online Volunteer Form and specify “Hospitality”.
Parishioners who are currently supporting our Monthly Hospitality through food donation and volunteering at a mass each month:
Other Special Parish Hospitality Events: Mr. and Mrs. Ellen Storey graciously handle these other events which are announced as they come up. They can always use help. They usually advertise for help in our weekly bulletin.
14908 Main Street
Upper Marlboro, MD 20772
Phone: 301-627-3255
Fax: 301-627-5533
Email: [email protected]
Monday – Friday
10:00A.M. – 5:00P.M.