
Coronavirus Update 8-9-20

Dear Parishioners,

Wind chill in May, very strange weather. I guess its just one more strange thing to live with. The virus cases were again up over a thousand today, but, again, hospitalizations were down by 9. We are still on the countdown for lifting the stay at home order in Maryland.

We will have outdoor Adoration in the Church parking lot tomorrow (Sunday the 10th) from Noon to 1:00 pm. The weather will be a little warmer tomorrow with less wind. I will hear confessions from the usual 4-5 pm on the back patio of the new rectory today, Saturday the 9th.

The Archdiocese sent some information to share. This first item is about the opening of Churches in Virginia:

We continue to review daily all guidance that comes out of the Governor and Mayor’s offices to be sure we are aware of any change in the mandates in place in terms of the stay at home orders and their guidelines. Today the Governor of the State of Virginia announced that Virginia will start their Phase I to lessen restrictions on houses of worship to be able to gather for indoor services beginning May 15 with limitations and precautions to be followed. I am sure some of your parishioners may bring this to your attention and I ask that you share with them that the archdiocese continues to follow the mandates of our local jurisdictions, which have not changed at this time. You may also share that we have a committee that has been meeting to draft recommendations for what ‘re-opening’ will look like in our parishes when Maryland and the District decide to start a Phase I to lessen restrictions. Our re-opening plan will be available soon and will be shared with you. We will keep you posted as we hear any updates from our local jurisdictions.

The second is about the Archdiocese information available to parishioners:

The archdiocesan website in response to the coronavirus is updated regularly with information, in English and Spanish, for you and the faithful available at, which includes a link to find a listing of live stream Masses and prayers available at The Catholic Standard and the Spanish-language El Pregonero newspapers are currently available online at and

The third is about the opening of Catholic Cemeteries for visiting:

As a reminder from yesterday, based on the guidance issued by Governor Hogan during his press conference on May 6, 2020, CCAW began limited visitation hours yesterday, Thursday, May 7, 2020.  Social distancing must be adhered to while visiting the cemeteries.

The hours of visitation are as follows:

Monday – Saturday from 4:30 pm until 7:00 pm (summer hours)

Sundays and Holidays from 7:30 am until 7:00 pm (summer hours)

These summer visiting hours will remain in effect until further notice.

Catholic Cemeteries has updated their website at, will air radio spots for Mother’s Day, and is contacting families who have recently inquired about the visitation hours. Additionally, Catholic Cemeteries will immediately allow up to 10 people to attend all Non-Covid-19 burials. Unfortunately, the procedures for all Covid-19 burials will remain unchanged and will be limited to the funeral home personnel, a priest for Committal Prayers, and CCAW staff. Catholic Cemeteries will continue to follow Governor Hogan’s guidance closely and will implement new changes as needed. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Mazzuca, President and CEO, at [email protected] or at

Finally, in accord with the State, Catholic School campuses will remain closed for the remainder of the school year:

Our priority is the health and safety of all who are in our school communities. Public officials in all regions have announced the closure of school until the end of the year. In compliance with these orders, all archdiocesan school campuses are closed through the end of the school year. Distance learning will continue through the end of the school’s previously planned academic year. Linked here is a letter from Mr. William Ryan, Secretary for Catholic Schools, to students, parents and guardians.

God bless,

Fr. LaHood

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