
Coronavirus Update 6-6-20

Dear Parishioners,

Someone sent me a link to a petition to open churches in Prince George’s county. Here is the link:

I just came from our drive in graduation at St. Mary’s School. It was a wonderful event, with a mix of live and recorded content. The graduates and families were very happy. It turned out to be a great event considering. Pray for our graduates!

We will have Adoration in the Church from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm tomorrow. We have several slots in all the time periods. We only have 4 open at 8:00 am. But, there are about 7-8 open at other times. You can e-mail me at [email protected] to reserve one of the ten slots, or just come and see.

I will hear confessions as usual this afternoon from 4-5 pm. I will be in the Church, though. Please access the confessional through the vestibule. Kneel or remain standing behind the kneeler. Follow the signs.

God bless, Fr. LaHood

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