
Coronavirus Update 4-5-20

Dear Parishioners,

I opened the church this morning at about 6:30, turned on the lights, sat in a pew and prayed the Office. The office is the prayers that clergy and religious pray throughout the day. Finishing that, I looked at the empty church and thought about what should be happening today: setting up the table outside the church with the palms, getting the servers, singers, and ministers together on the same page for the procession, and greeting the smiling people coming to begin celebrating Holy Week on this beautiful spring morning. While it is a beautiful spring morning (the virus can’t take that away!), none of the rest will happen. I hope you are finding a way a celebrating Palm Sunday at home. Jesus still comes into Jerusalem and into our lives and homes this Palm Sunday.

The Holy Father offered Mass today. Here is the text of his homily.

The Governor has asked us to pray at Noon today. I will offer Mass at that hour. A Pastor is required to offer one Mass on Sundays and Holy Days Pro Populo, that is, for the people of his parish. That is what I will do today.

God bless you this Holy Week. Fr. LaHood

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