
Coronavirus Update 4-1-20

Dear Parishioners,

We turn the calendar today to the month of April. We can hope that this will be the last month of social distancing. The Coronavirus Task Force update last night we very sobering. Without social distancing the death toll this month could be in the millions, even with social distancing it could be as many as 240,000. The doctors on the Task Force were adamant that with everyone following the social distancing guidelines the death toll could be much less. Let us follow the guidelines. This is an act of charity for those whose lives will be saved because we did not transmit the virus.

Many people, even Priests, are upset about the ending of Mass and the unavailability of the Sacraments. It seems that we are admitting that we are non-essestial. The Archdiocese of Baltimore has gone so far as to have their Churches locked. In the Archdiocese of Washington and here at St. Mary’s, our Churches remain open. Subject, of course, to social distancing guidelines: keep six feet apart and no more than ten people in the Church.  The Governor’s order does allow trips to visit a Church as an exception to the stay-at-home order. I will still hear Confessions. Please call or e-mail me to set up a time. We can meet in the parking lot or at the side of the Church. There is usually no one around, so the Confession can be done in the open air with the two of us at least six feet apart.

The Archdiocese has a website with lots of good information and resources:

The archdiocesan website in response to the coronavirus is updated regularly with information, in English and Spanish, for you and the faithful. I encourage you to continue to share the website which includes a link to find a listing of live stream Masses and prayers.

Here is a good article putting this pandemic in perspective. Keep up your spirits and your prayer life:

I am praying for all of you. God bless you all, Fr. LaHood

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