Children losing their faith

Here is an article from ewtn about how children lose their faith. Our world gets reduced to what can be explained and organized scientifically. God is not easily found in that narrow world.
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Mother Theresa Canonization

Blessed Theresa of Calcutta will be canonized this Sunday, the 4th. Here is her site on Catholic Online with a biography and with other interesting features concerning Mother Theresa.
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Baseball: Practices for Coming Home

Here is a nice article about how baseball is the sport that most reflects life. The theme of coming home is one that needs to be kept alive both as we long for a home here on earth but also as we long for our eternal homeland.
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Evangelicals and Fundamentalists criticisms of the Catholic Church

We thank Brett Smith for giving his talks on how to answer Evangelicals and Fundamentalists criticisms of the Catholic Church. Along that same vein, here is an article by David Mills that reminds us of the basic difference between Catholics and Protestants.
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Priests’ Tips For A Good Confession

Here is an article about priests’ tips for a good confession.  One that I would add is this: don’t confess your sins as if you let down your father. Many confess their sins as if they’re admitting to a stearn father that, yes, they broke the window. Overcoming...
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Raising Boys

Here is an article about raising boys. Rachel Lu asks women to understand masculinity and seek to help boys and men to be what God created them to be. It is a challenging article addressed particularly to women. Here it is.
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Cardinal Sarah’s Request to Priests

You may have heard of Cardinal Sarah’s request to priests. Cardinal Sarah is the Prefect for the Congregation for Divine Worship. He is encouraging priests to face Ad Orientem (toward the Liturgical East) meaning facing away from the congregation. This was the position of...
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Father’s Day

The subject is the family, lately. So, in the wake of Father’s Day, let me share this article on Fatherhood.
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The Feast of St. Philip Neri

Today is the feast of St. Philip Neri, the founder of the Oratorians. Here is nice article about him. Enjoy.
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The Divine Mercy Devotion

Here is the talk I gave for the Divine Mercy Devotion this past Sunday: And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has regarded the low estate of his handmaiden. For behold, henceforth all generations will call me blessed;...
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